You Should Know About Joint Pain

You Should Know About Joint Pain

You Should Know About Joint Pain

For people with chronic or recurrent joint pain, joint replacement surgery seems like the only option. However, getting a joint replaced is a crucial decision and we would recommend weighing in all options before you opt for it. First and foremost we recommend that you take your time analyzing the causes and the effects of the issues you’ve been facing. You should know about Joint Pain in order to treat it.

Understanding the causes

It is essential to understand the main cause of your joint pain. Joint damage can be temporary or degrade gradually over the years. It can get very painful and if the cause is not addressed in the initial phase, then you may need to undergo surgery for rectifying the same. Some common causes of joint pain include:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle Strain
  • Bursitis
  • Injuries due to accidents

These causes are perhaps the most common reasons for people suffering from joint pain. The ideal way to go about it is by visiting an orthopaedician right since you enter your late 30s. The younger your joints are, the easier it is to prevent them from getting damaged.

Factors to consider for joint preservation at a young age

Instead of going for surgery, we strongly recommend going for joint preservation at a younger age. Although this is a lesser known procedure- it definitely is a lesser invasive one than joint replacement. Here are some risk factors that your surgeon might need to take in consideration before recommending joint preservation surgery to you. These include:

  • Age: The younger the patient, the better the success chances.
  • Weight: This is definitely a factor to consider as more weight means more pressure on your joints. Weight management is often the best step recommended for keeping your joint pain in check as well.
  • Muscle strength and conditioning: The support of your muscles helps your medical advisor understand the adversities that your joint can undertake. Hence, this will be a crucial factor.
  • Severity: Your orthopaedician would only advise a major invasive procedure if your joint calls for it. For minor cartilage tears or muscle problems affecting the joint, joint preservation or injury isn’t really advisable.

Benefits of Joint Replacement

For people, who have undergone conservative treatment measures to no avail, joint replacement may be the only option left. In case, the cartilage gets damaged or the bone becomes irreparable, then a joint replacement would prove to be quite effective.

Firstly, it will immediately alleviate all of your pain. This will also help in improving the functioning of your joint. While it comes with own share of complications and potential risks, the right preventive measures would help you get successful results.

Talk with the doctor about the best possible options and what are the ideal long term strategies to consider. Your activities and lifestyle measures would help in keeping these issues away as well. Make a calculated decision so that you do not have to regret it later.


There are many non-surgical options which you can consider too. Some of these options are- Platelet-rich plasma, Cellular stem cell injections, and Cartilage transplant. However, this needs to be considered depending on how severe your injury is. It is advisable to try   methods before going for a surgery that may keep you restricted for a long time.

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